Blue Mound is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States. The population was 2,393 as of the 2020 census. The community's history dates back to the 1920s, when Scottish immigrant John Kennedy established Globe Laboratories, Inc. to produce serum to immunize cattle against blackleg, a disease that affected calves under two years of age. About ten years later, he sold the company to his partner. Kennedy later purchased 400 acres of land in an area bordered by East McLeroy Boulevard on the north and FM 156 to the east. His interest in aircraft led him to create the Globe Aircraft Company. As his operation grew, more and more people began to settle near his plant. The settlement was initially known as Saginaw Park, but later took the name Blue Mound after a nearby hill. During the 1950s, Bell Helicopter used Kennedy's facility to develop its new helicopters, but the company left the facility in 1960. Blue Mound incorporated in 1957 and had a population of 1,253 by the 1960 census. That figure had risen to 1,283 by 1970 and 2,169 in 1980 as the city became a bedroom community for those employed in Fort Worth and the surrounding area. The 1990 census showed a slight decline in population, to 2,133. By 2000, the number of inhabitants had risen to 2,388.