Numbers one through nine are written out; 10 and up are digits. This can be confusing because you can switch between writing out numbers and digits in the same sentence. EXAMPLE: There are eight ...
The AP regularly reviews its style guidance regarding name changes, in part to ensure its guidance reflects common usage. We’ll continue to apply that approach to this guidance and make updates as ...
(5 Changes That Matter From The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition.) Many websites and magazines open to freelance contributors ask for articles submitted to adhere to AP style for the sake of ...
When reading The Globe and content from other media outlets, does it seem like they use specific spellings for every word? Or refuse to use certain words? Or maybe you’ve noticed that numbers are ...
AP Style needs to be quick, impactful, and informative. APA Style needs to be intricate, well-researched, and descriptive. If your writing is impactful and informative, brevity takes a backseat ...
In a statement explaining its decision, the AP said Trump has the authority to change the mountain’s name, but the gulf is a global name ...
Writers and editors should adhere to our house style for all written communications. Our house style, a customized version of AP style, can be found here. Please note: This website can only be ...