I attended a workshop in Fulda, a city right in the middle of Germany. To medievalists, it is best known as the resting place ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
Great! Well let’s start at the beginning. The Anglo-Saxon age in Britain was about 410 to 1066, and they originally came from Germany and Scandinavia. Some historians say they were driven from ...
In 1066, the invasion of William the Conqueror introduced Norman French to England when it became the language of the ruling class. The thousands of words it contributed to the language (especially ...
Citations: Baliga, Sandeep, Ben Polak. 2004. The Emergence and Persistence of German and Anglo-Saxon Financial Systems. Review of Financial Studies. (1)129-163.
An unusual piece of Anglo-Saxon jewelry — a plagiarized pendant rife with typos — that was discovered by a metal detectorist has now been declared treasure in the U.K. The pendant imitates a ...
The largest Anglo-Saxon ship burial ever discovered contained ... charged with symbolism when Britain declared war on Nazi Germany later that year. In keeping with the patriotic, wartime spirit ...