“What is wrong with my azaleas?” The pictures showed foliage that did not look normal. Many of the leaves were yellow, most were green, but many had a decidedly purple tint. The colors ...
The flowers are funnel-shaped with 5 stamens and one bloom per stem versus rhododendron's bell-shaped flowers with 10 stamens that bloom in clusters. Leaves are thin and small on azaleas while ...
In addition, diseases like powdery mildew, rust, fungal leaf spot, and gall can affect flame azalea. Azaleas grown in heavy shade or with insufficient spacing and air flow are most likely to be ...
Eggs are usually found partially embedded along veins on the underside of leaves. Dark-colored nymphs hatch in about two weeks (1st gen. azalea lace bug nymphs active, 240 - 561 [318 peak] GDD50), and ...