I’m ready to just burn down the primary process. Do you why I was such a big Bobby Jindal fan? Look at the condition of his state the day he took office, and look at the condition of his state now.
“I identify as black,” Dolezal explained on NBC’s Today. RELATED: Bobby Jindal and Liberals’ Racist Double-Standard Touré’s response? Fury. “When she says she knows what it’s like ...
While some drugs have fallen off, more have been added: AbbVie recently jumped into the obesity craze by licensing an ...
PALM BEACH, Fla. (WVUE) - Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal visited President-elect Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, fueling rumors that Jindal could be considered for a cabinet position in ...
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) says that mayors of cities that do not comply with some federal immigration requests should be arrested. As BuzzFeed pointed out, Jindal told Boston Herald Radio on ...
This should be Bobby Jindal's moment in the sun. The Louisiana governor launched his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination with a high-profile attack on Muslim immigrants.
Bobby Jindal was the governor of Louisiana from 2008 to 2016 and a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Lower Covid risk for children, the temporary nature of Covid vaccines ...
It massively increased the cost of health care in America.” — former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), in a video for America ...
Bobby Jindal, later governor of Louisiana, was then a freshman U.S. representative. While leading officials (Governor Kathleen Blanco, Mayor Ray Nagin) were panicked into inaction or showed self ...