Josiah Spangler of Boy Scout Troop 69 in Patrick Springs recently completed his Eagle Scout project by constructing a sign ...
A scout in BSA Troop 914G (the G represents girls) recently broke ground on her Eagle Scout project surrounded by helpful ...
Kyle Garrity, 16, of Boy Scouts America Troop 185 in Stratham, is completing his Eagle Scout project for the ...
A gazebo at the St. Xavier Nature Preserve in Unity no longer has a roof covered in moss and filled with gaping holes. That’s ...
The George R. Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Cleveland State Community College will host an Entrepreneurship Event on March 25. The event is open to the public and sponsored ...
Joshua Christensen created a special walking rosary for his Eagle Scout service project award as a member of Scouting America ...
Local Life Scout James Turner has finally reached the end of his four-phase project to renovate and upgrade the World War II ...
Cameron Ragazzo, Joey Knapper and Blake Nettles of Troop 513 at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick completed their journey to the highest Boy Scout rank.