For the purposes of generating mulch, it is best to cut the grass before it has produced seed, otherwise you may have unwanted grass plants sprouting up. Grass clippings are also excellent for ...
Tackle bald patches on your lawn this March by doing these two simple tasks, which will ensure a vibrant green lawn by summer ...
If you're wondering when to plant grass seed, here's some expert advice. Spoiler alert: Spring is the best time to plant warm ...
Deciduous (leafy) trees and shrubs are best pruned in March and April before new growth begins. The exceptions are maples and ...
stray mulch, and any debris that may have fallen from nearby plants. This allows the grass to grow more evenly, not creating any dry or overly wet spots where water might sit and soak the seeds.
Removing protective mulch from the strawberry bed when weather ... start seed early indoors May 1 for transplanting outdoors in late May. Sow grass seed after the soil warms to 50 degrees F.