The Charlotte Harness Seals Performing Arts Center completes a $44 million project including a new wing of classrooms.
The production features standout performances, including Ben Terril as Danny Zuko and Ava Fagan as Sandy Dumbrowski ...
The Fine Arts Center is the first public high school for pre-professional study in creative, performing and visual arts in the state. It’s celebrating it’s 50 th anniversary with a big event you’re ...
Showtimes are approaching and new hands are on deck. Approximately 30 Fairmont High School students will perform their adaptation of “Welcome to Candy Kingdom” at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 28, and ...
The Union High School Performing Arts Company will present Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine's beloved musical Into the Woods ...
Ceremony to commemorate the renaming of Southwood Academy of Performing Arts Center as the Chadwick Boseman Fine Arts Center.