Monday marks a committee deadline for Indiana lawmakers. Here's a look at bills on public education that have survived so for ...
The latest partisan school boards bill moving through the Indiana statehouse allows — but does not require — school board ...
More than 30 education-related bills that could reshape the states K-12 education system remain under consideration.
Charters paying big busing bills while families forced to carpool want the state, districts to take on what they call an ‘equity issue.’ ...
If the proposed state budget passes, Indiana public schools anticipate losing $371 million in funding over the next three years. Although this is a reduction from the $1.9 billion loss projected ...
School board members from Concord and Goshen spoke against a bill that would require Indiana school board candidates to declare a political party affiliation.
Today marks the deadline for bills to make ... The bill aims to loosen restrictions for Indiana schools and education systems, including by nixing the education credential requirement for the ...