When the dazzling 16-foot-high leaded stained- glass window arrived in Canton in 1913, it made front-page news—and postponed the new church’s dedication by a week because of a shipping delay.
Master traditional leaded stained glass techniques and create a stunning A4 panel. Enjoy expert guidance, all materials provided, plus a delicious lunch and afternoon tea in a relaxed setting.
From the devastated cathedral the piece of leaded stained glass was brought home by Lt. Colonel Rhoades, commander of a Canadian Battalion.
A stained-glass Tiffany window originally designed ... bidders spent six and a half minutes battling it out for the leaded glass window, which was expected to fetch between $5 million and $7 ...
For Houtkamp, stained glass is more than just imagery. He appreciates how the medium straddles both art and function, evolving throughout the day as the light shifts. Unlike paintings, which remain ...