Not only do the Korean and Swiss stone pines provide edible nuts, but they are lovely additions to the landscape.
More and more homeowners are becoming alarmed over the “worms” that are devouring the needles of their pine trees, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. “These aren’t ...
The native insect that feasts on the short-lived conifers has exploded throughout much of the state’s northeastern region at ...
Retired teacher Larry Weber, of Barnum, is the author of “Butterflies of the North Woods" and “Spiders of the North Woods," ...
Drivers on Highway 52 between Pine Island and Oronoco may see smoke beginning Monday, March 17 as crews burn wood piles to ...
Flanagan and several state commissioners visited Pine Tree Apple Orchard, an orchard in White Bear Lake that’s part of the ...
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is calling on the public to help with an important task—collecting pine ...
Five healthy and mature bur oak and basswood trees were “illegally” cut down last week in Cedar Lake Park, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is asking for help identifying those ...
MnDOT said crews will be burning wood piles, disposing of dead trees, along with other wood debris. The burning is set to begin on Monday, Mar. 17.
Evan Larson has done similar tree studies in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness that back up the overarching thesis of his work, which is that northern Minnesota’s picturesque pine ...