Born in Salford, Manchester, in 1933, Whillans began his adventures by hiking on the nearby Pennine Moors and climbing on the ...
The Pikes Peak Ranger District of the Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands (PSICC) will be moving forward with removing a section of a large boulder ...
Boulders could be placed on either side of the road near a popular Peak District hiking spot to curb a significant spike in illegal parking. A Derbyshire County Council meeting yesterday (February ...
As such the route represented the state of the art of modern gritstone climbing: balancy, powerful and without compromises. This status was not to last long though. Haunted by inner desires, a year ...
BMC staff and members have worked hard to repair and improve the safety of the badly-eroded landing areas for two popular, classic bouldering problems at the Plantation area of Stanage.