Growing vegetables vertically, rather than along the ground, is an ingenious way to unlock more space and boost harvests in a ...
While many companion plants make great neighbours, some plants will ... smaller plants and cause issues for them. Growing crops on a vegetable garden trellis can cause a shady spot at their ...
Gardening Neighbours is one of the better attempts at giving a new twist to the genre. As well as horticulture, we have relationships - husband: 'We don't want flowers.' Wife: 'We do want flowers.' ...
The program was spearheaded in 1995 by Anchorage Daily News garden columnist Jeff Lowenfels, who wrote a column encouraging his readers to plant extra crops and donate their harvests. After seeing ...
Container gardening is a suitable alternative if garden beds are not ready for planting. Early spring crops can be grown in containers or ground beds, with containers tending to finish the season ...