Walls of carefully spaced herb and lettuce plants rise to the ceiling of a massive greenhouse in Cleburne. Inside Eden Green ...
the concrete-framed building is adorned with a "vertical farm" of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, reflecting the studio's expertise in plant-filled, low-energy architecture. The building's glazed ...
Sprÿng sells ground-up mealworms to pet food companies, in an effort to help cut the 'carbon pawprint.' Oishii, the Tesla of strawberries, is slashing its prices by more than half With the ...
Announced this month, Greater Cincinnati-based 80 Acres Farms is acquiring three indoor vertical farms in Georgia, Texas, and Colorado Announced this month, Greater Cincinnati-based 80 Acres Farms ...
Vertical farms, projects that could save the life-critical agricultural industry, are struggling to raise funds. As such projects usually require a lot of upfront investment, they can only turn to ...