A special unveiling of 140 names being added to the Vietnam Memorial Wall South was the highlight of the annual Memorial Day Observance Ceremony, May 28, 2017, at the Pensacola Fla. Veterans ...
The towering granite tribute to fallen soldiers of a controversial war was the result of a design contest won by a ...
The Wall That Heals, a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, opened Thursday in Corpus Christi. The memorial ...
Passaic County to unveil Fallen Soldier Battlefield Cross on Saturday at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on Saturday.
One of the most moving war memorials, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial – or "the Wall," as it's commonly referred to – is a long black granite wall with the names of more than 58,000 Americans ...
The Oregon Veterans Memorial Traveling Wall, a replica of the Vietnam Memorial, will be displayed in McMinnville at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum.
For me, this wall being here is really an honor and a true blessing,” said Richard Goble, veteran and the VFW Post 7103 ...
This weekend marks the 52nd anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. As the country prepares its remembrance, PHL17 looks ...