The ancient Greeks had a diet rich in natural ingredients, many of which are now celebrated as superfoods for their health ...
You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job done.
Consider growing some productive climbing crops for vertical interest too. Some great options include cucumbers, climbing beans and peas, or vine tomatoes. If you have the space, espalier or ...
Perched up on a hill, this home is surrounded by a nearly one-acre park-like lot with mature trees and shrubbery surrounding the property. The three-story home has a timeless English Tudor revival ...
Watching hummingbirds is more fun when you find a hummingbird nest with hummingbird eggs. Learn how to attract these tiny fliers to nest in your yard.
Planting the seed -- let’s talk microgreens” is the slogan at High Country Microgreens. Sherry and Robert Church are the ...
You can grow clematis in the ground or in containers, and by planting varieties from the diverse groups that flower at different times of the year, you could be enjoying their blooms for many months.
After returning to Vineland in 2015, he loved puttering in his well-stocked garage, rooting for the Phillies and Eagles, and was very proud of the clematis and canna that he grew in his yard.
This Clematis vine has been trained from its crown on the right side, over the arch and along the wall to the left. Pruning is critical to a showcase like this. The parent plant was about 10 years ...