Learn the best companion vegetables and what vegetables grow well together for specific plant combinations. Companion planting means growing two or more different plants in close proximity for a ...
Try these aromatic plants to naturally repel pests: In the past, companion planting focused on the benefits that different vegetable plants provide to each other when planted together. However ...
Bright, fragrant and beautiful — Lavender makes a great addition to any space and best of all, it also makes the perfect vegetable companion. Holding many benefits, lavenders wondrous scent can ...
Grow herbs and vegetables in the garden with this herb companion planting guide. Learn which herbs to plant together for a maximum yield. The Homesteader’s Herbal Companion (Lyons Press ...
Evaluate the contribution of various legume varieties with differing N release patterns to fertility of companion plantings of vegetables Use ion exchange membrane technology to evaluate in-season N ...