Are you familiar with all DnD races, species, and their unique abilities? Dungeons & Dragons is an online fantasy video game ...
If you're looking to play a barbarian in Dungeons & Dragons, look no further than this list of the best barbarian builds.
Hex crawl is also at the core of Beyond the Woods, a new 5e-compatible setting inspired by Irish legends from Old Oak Games.
If a break from reality is what you need, these calming games offer the perfect digital escape.
Gorthos manifests as a towering, skeletal stag, her form an eerie fusion of plant matter, rotting flora, and animal remnants ... Deep within the Hartsblight Forest, a devout cult of druidic ...
So too is Game Theory in Wake Forest and The Gamer’s Armory in Cary ... short for “pocket monsters”, vibrant creatures inspired by animals, nature, mythology and even household items ...
The massive RPG, which sees you setting off on a journey of epic DnD proportions ... represented by equally cute forest animals. The 3D paper-like graphics lend themselves on the Valve handheld ...
Set on a beautiful Taonga island, you’re job is to grow crops, keep your animals happy ... lava-filled dungeons, enchanting forests, bustling cities, tropical beaches, and many other locales ...
Echoing the same gameplay, star-studded cast, and high production values, The Quarry focuses on a group of Summer Camp counselors as they uncover some strange goings on in the forest surrounding ...
For now, it’s enough to know that you play as an egg-blob-thing living in a spectral forest inhabited by exquisitely animated, ghostly animals ... and fun PvE dungeons and raids.