Data from the NISAR satellite will be used to map crop growth, track plant health, and monitor soil moisture—offering detailed, timely information for decision making.
A small-town couple gets a big-time proposal. Ryan Dierckman proposed to his girlfriend, Annie Shane, inside a plane Wednesday. 1,000 feet below them were the words "WILL U MARRY ME?" engrained in ...
One family-run farm in Downeast Maine is helping not only their local community but tackling an environmental issue.
Across Central Arkansas, a diverse urban farming movement is growing to build community and create social impact.
The overuse of rootworm-resistant corn has led to the crop becoming less effective at controlling the destructive pest – a problem that could cost an estimated $1.6 billion in lifetime economic losses ...
It’s that sharp contrast that Julia Mueller, MD, loves when she’s working on her farm in Petoskey with her husband, Dustin.
Across Canada's prairie provinces, farmers in Saskatchewan expect seeding of wheat to be little changed from 2024 at 14.2 million acres, while in Alberta farmers expect to plant 6.6% more wheat in ...