We dressed our penguins in whacky clothes ... My Scene girls were somewhere between prim and proper Barbie and edgy Bratz. On the site, you could take them on shopping sprees, do makeovers, and other ...
It also had a black silk ribbon on the front. The cape-like silhouette with a sheer design and a relaxed fit perfectly balanced Ananya's cover girl look. Ananya opted for her cape top with black ...
They create the ideal blend of girly style and cool girl vibes, so if they seem like something you would enjoy, you should definitely try them out this spring. While all-white will always be iconic, ...
Disney just dropped the first trailer for its next live-action remake of a beloved animated film, and fans are not happy about one specific change. But one beloved character from the movie got more ...
I’m still not a commercial gallery kinda girly. I know what it is to sit on the periphery ... but through artists she discovered through Tumblr, such as the late American painter Noah Davis. Although ...
Who said ankle boots have to be basic or even neutral? A fun—and easy—way to brighten up your outfit is with a metallic pair of booties. Try styling classic separates with shiny ankle boots to ...
Teenage girls are notoriously hard to shop for. But you’re in luck, because I happen to be an expert. Since last year, I’ve heard from teens about what’s on their wish lists and what’s in ...