Capt. A.J. Cwiok and John Carlson share Fish of the Week honors with big walleye caught and released from different rivers.
Tip-up anglers are reminded that when using dead bait to only use VHS (Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia)-certified bait.
I received confirmation in the form of a certificate from the International Game Fish Association that I had indeed set a ...
Manistee: “Limited access due to icy piers and frozen shorelines kept fishing pressure low. When fishable, a couple steelhead ...
For most bass anglers, reeling in a trophy largemouth is a lifetime achievement. Ross Gomez, a fifty-year-old corrections officer and musician, can lay claim to two catches in that size class: a 13.22 ...
Alewife spawning season on Long Island may benefit from a new fish ladder, though initial results show fewer fish than ...