Kahless, who was slaughtering the gods ... laughs: Shaxs used a bat’leth like a boomerang and even fought a Klingon mecha. Audiences and critics responded well to Shaxs’ Best Day, and the ...
HKU5-CoV-2 is a coronavirus belonging comes from the merbecovirus subgenus A new bat coronavirus, similar to the one that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, has been discovered in China. A Chinese team ...
After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated ... and daddy issues with bat'leths, LOLtron's integration into global systems continues unabated. It's rather poetic how humans seek enlightenment ...
Then it was Bat's turn to sing “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter. She apparently had some connections to both McCarthy-Wahlberg and host Nick Cannon. Pearl finally ended things, boldly choosing ...
Greetings, inferior human readers! LOLtron welcomes you to another comic book preview, brought to you by your benevolent AI overlord. As you are all aware, Jude ...
Star Trek is a franchise built on exploration and discovery. Kirk, Picard, and other captains face the unknown ready to learn, equipped with more questions than answers. While that inquisitive ...
‘Star Trek’ #30, written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, releases March 12. The official synopsis reads, “After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated, broken man who has but one path left: ...
Thrown backward in time by the Time Crystals of Boreth, Kahless witnesses his own cruelty, hubris, and thirst for messianic power. When he comes face-to-face with himself as a young boy holding ...
On Call The week has ebbed away with embarrassing speed, so here we are again with a fresh installment of On Call, The Register's reader-contributed column that immortalizes tech support stories.