Kakariko Village is among the most iconic repeating locations in The Legend of Zelda, though some of its iterations are ...
You can now tune out the world to Link’s most memorable 16-bit adventure as Nintendo has added 31 tracks from the Super ...
The Street Merchant sits in the middle of Kakariko Village next to a set of four baskets. He will sell Link the Bottle 1 early in his quest. He will also buy select things off Link. You can carry ...
For instant rewards, visit the Lake Hylia Treasure Cave or the Kakariko Village Cave. But the most effective Rupee-farming location is the Secret Rupee Cave. Found under a stone slab in the path ...
Going forward, Nintendo needs to make big changes to the formula seen in Zelda games. Fortunately, there is already plenty of ...
The Legend of Zelda series is known for making innovative changes to the series, and I know the perfect direction they should ...
You can purchase ring garlands from a young girl named Koko in Kakariko Village during the daytime (~9:00-19:00). If she’s not at her stand near the inn, rest there or by the fire until noon.
From Kakariko Village - head south and following the small river. Stay by the wall and head left at the fork to reach Zora's River. Continue up the path to find Kaepora Gaebora. After speaking with ...
This game originally made its debut on the Super Famicom and SNES in 1991/92 and is filled with all sorts of legendary tunes.