Pruning is a tricky, time-consuming activity that can backfire if done wrong. Our lineup has 24 plants that thrive and ...
The heavy wet storms we experienced in June of last year made way for drought conditions for late summer and fall. The heavy ...
Lilacs are not usually affected by many pests, but may be attacked by lilac leaf mining moths or thrips. These do not usually harm the vigour of the plant. Lilac blight causes die back, distorted and ...
But look for disease-resistant cultivars like 'Fort Hill' or 'White Delight' if phytophthora and blight are an issue ... as well as varying leaf colors that can add lots of interest to flower beds.
The trials confirm Phytalix provides unparalleled defense against Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) in rice, effectively protecting one of the world’s most important food sources and increasing yields ...
JR Davis, an arborist with Davey Tree Service in Monroe, talks about tree pruning and common diseases, including a new one likely heading this way.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow and the Forman Christian College University, Pakistan, are pioneering an approach to ...