Dear Master Gardener: Can a dwarf Korean lilac be purchased in tree form?
If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
Trees and shrubs will be available at four different sites on April 12 as part of the annual Greater Wenatchee Arbor Day ...
Prevention is a good idea. The depth of the snow is the reason the damage was as high up as you describe. In the fall, you ...
A: The mushrooms are feeding on decaying wood. Take them off because they have grown right around the trunk of the tree, and ...
Thinking of visiting Europe in May, but aren't quite sure where to go? There are plenty of places to choose from depending on ...
When we first moved into our house, you could not actually see much of it as the entire front yard was choked with out-of-control lilac bushes. The yard had obviously ...
Today’s column features AI tools to identify plant diseases, garden pests and weeds; monitor climate and soil; and optimize ...
Monarch butterflies are making their flight north after wintering in Mexico. Here's what to know about the fascinating, fragile traveler.