No one won Tuesday's Mega Millions jackpot, which has since continued to rise. The grand prize, which was the seventh-largest in history on Christmas Eve, has shot up to become the ...
The lucky winner matched all six numbers drawn and took home the $112 million Mega Millions jackpot, the largest win using ...
Wednesday's Lotto Texas jackpot of $71 million was the highest current jackpot in the country with Powerball and Mega Millions below $46 million.
The estimated $38.2 million top prize Wednesday was more than both of the upcoming Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots.
This spring the multistate game Mega Millions will undergo sweeping changes to create a “fast track” jackpot game for those who don’t like to wait for eye-popping jackpot levels, along with adding ...
An Eastern Kentucky man won the largest online Instant Play prize in the history of the Kentucky Lottery last week.