London's Vagina Museum — billed as "the world's first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to vaginas, vulvas and the ...
Lawmakers and campaigners in the United Kingdom are pushing for an end to the display of human remains in museums and the ...
The secret underground tunnels that inspired James Bond author Ian Fleming to create Q's lair look set to be reimagined as an ...
The fair has a jewel of a 16th-century illuminated manuscript, and other museum-quality items, but fewer standouts over all.
“The all-volunteer run London Bus Museum at Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, is home to the largest collection of working ...
During her 19-year tenure as its director, she turned a sedate institution into a vibrant tribute to the culture of ...
New director Zoë Ryan hopes to inspire dialogue and create unexpected experiences at the expanded Hammer museum ...
White Cube has announced representation of Chinese artist Shao Fan (b.1964, Beijing). His first exhibition with the gallery ...
Samuel Browne's botanical explorations in 17th-century Madras offer insights into traditional plant uses and changing flora ...
You’ll be able to visit a whole host of south London attractions, museums and historic landmarks for free next week.
Voices of Resistance exposes how 19th century British postal services profited from and enabled transatlantic trafficking of ...
The Government of Canada’s policy priorities for arts and culture: Supporting cultural space, museums and creative ...