WAYNE — A statue of a fallen soldier will be unveiled on Saturday during the first observance of National Vietnam War Veterans Day at Passaic County's Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on Oldham Road.
Passaic County to unveil Fallen Soldier Battlefield Cross on Saturday at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on Saturday.
The Oregon Veterans Memorial Traveling Wall, a replica of the Vietnam Memorial, will be displayed in McMinnville at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum.
The towering granite tribute to fallen soldiers of a controversial war was the result of a design contest won by a ...
Ahead of the event, the center noted "152 Panhandle military personnel gave their lives during the Vietnam War." ...
Veterans and officials gathered at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to honor those who served during the Vietnam War.
Veterans of the Vietnam War shared their stories during a ceremony at the Virginia War Memorial on Friday honoring those who served.
The Texas Panhandle War Memorial Center (TPWM) will honor military personnel at its National Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony, starting at 1 p.m. Saturday. The ceremony will be held at the memorial ...
Corpus Christi will host "The Wall that Heals" to honor Vietnam veterans from March 27-March 30.