To make the risotto, heat your oil in a pan and gently saute your onions and garlic until translucent. Once cooked, add in your arborio rice and toast in the pan, stirring continuously.
De Laurentiis knows a thing or two about risotto and claims spanking is the way to achieve a "perfect plate." It may sound a little unethical to spank anything in the kitchen, but risotto isn't ...
Risotto is one of my favourite things to make when it's cold out. I get all Nigella with it, and stand over my pot of rice and stock, glass of wine in hand, and some jazzy music on as I stir stir and ...
A savory, citrusy broth brings serious flavor to both the creamy risotto and the poached cod we serve it with. This easy white fish risotto gets a thorough depth of flavor from a broth augmented ...
Coloque o peixe a ferver em água abundante, temperado de sal e pimenta. Entretanto, coloque num tacho o fio de azeite com a cebola, os coentros e o alho, todos descascados, lavados e bem picados. Mexa ...
Num tacho largo e de altura média, refoga-se em azeite, a cebola e o alho picadinhos. Junta-se o arroz e deixa-se alourar um pouco. É momento de adicionar o vinho. Deixa-se o álcool evaporar, ...