ARIES (March 21-April 19): What can you do to show how much you care about everyone and everything that deserves your love?
Their efficient dispersal is legendary. They produce large quantities of lightweight seeds that are easily ... I propose we make the dandelion your symbol of power in the coming weeks, Gemini.
Goetze: During their long, evolutionary history, plants have perfected several strategies to disperse their seeds to new ...
Why do some plants thrive in specific regions but not in others? A study explores the factors shaping plant distributions and how these patterns have changed over millions of years. Analyzing nearly ...
Why do some plants thrive in specific regions but not in others? A study led by researchers at the University of Göttingen ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Maple seeds, or samaras, maintain their spinning motion even in rain, allowing them to travel far. High-speed raindrops briefly interrupt their spin, but the ...
Maple samaras’ unique design and spinning movement can teach physicists like me about seed dispersal patterns and even engineering new types of flying vehicles. The samaras’ spinning movement ...
Plants spread their seeds in lots of different ways. This is called seed dispersal. Some seeds are transported by the wind and are shaped to float, glide or spin through the air. NARRATOR ...
Filmmaker Nicole Riegel follows up her quietly acclaimed 2020 debut Holler with Dandelion (now on Hulu), starring If Beale Street Could Talk star KiKi Layne as a singer-songwriter who has yet to ...