Here are is where to find live, interactive radar and traffic maps on to help keep you prepared during weather ...
Two cars collided Sunday evening, causing one of the vehicles to plunge off the side of the road near Dockweiler State Beach.
This hike in the Cupertino and Mountain View foothills is a tribute to how nature prevails in the face of industry — in many ways.
A new study by NASA and NOAA reveals that certain areas in California are sinking while others are rising. The Central Valley ...
C an you really see the best of Sequoia National Park in just one day? We set out to find out. Living only four hours away, ...
That’s Orick, California for you – a tiny town that packs a giant punch of natural wonder. Nestled along California’s ...
Marco Li Mandri, president of New City America, is new executive director of Downtown El Cajon Business Partners ...