The National Weather Service forecast record warm temperatures for Friday, March 14, but a strong low pressure storm system ...
Melody Beattie, 76, a Minnesota native who overcame a turbulent childhood and drug addiction to author a string of ...
Blizzard warnings remain in effect in west-central and southwestern Minnesota, an area that encompasses cities including ...
The House is voting on a bill Monday that would delay the state's paid medical and family care leave program​ by one year.
A bunch of swimmers have earned state berths for the Willmar Aquatic Racing Stingrays. Those moving on to state did so through strong performances in the Minnesota Regional Championships at the ...
MPR News politics editor Brian Bakst talks with two Minnesota lawmakers about state’s new paid leave program — scheduled to ...
From the guest editorial: "Fischbach’s negative attitude toward her constituents ... is shameful as well as offensive. Rather than listening to — or having her staff listen to — concerns, she ...
Rural Wabasso farmer Paul Sobocinski is one of three individuals who will share an endowed chair position at the University ...
The proposal would have postponed implementation by one year. The paid family and medical leave program is set to take effect ...
A Willmar man, 40, was cited for vehicle tabs in a traffic stop at 1:27 a.m. Tuesday on the 100 block of East Main Street, Marshall Police said. WORTHINGTON — An incident reported at 3:54 p.m. Monday ...