King Soopers and the union agreed late Monday night to return to the bargaining table, ending 12 days of a strike against the supermarket chain in the Denver area and Pueblo.
Pueblo's striking King Soopers employees returned to work Feb. 18, ending an 11-day run on the picket line after representatives with the company and United Food and Commercial Works Local 7 ...
The shooting that happened at the King Soopers in Monument on Friday is now being investigated as a murder-suicide.
The shooting that happened at the King Soopers in Monument on Friday, February 28, is now being investigated as a ...
King Soopers locations will resume normal business ... On Feb. 7, it expanded to two stores in Pueblo. Despite most unionized workers in Colorado Springs voting to strike, union leaders never ...
King Soopers workers at 77 stores across Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties voted for a strike with over 96 percent approval. Workers in Pueblo later ...
DENVER — Unionized King Soopers employees are returning to work ... according to the union. Two stores in Pueblo joined the strike on Feb. 7. The union said Monday that they have secured a ...
Feb. 6. Workers at the two King Soopers stores in Pueblo went on strike the next day, Feb. 7.
King Soopers earlier said the striking workers ran ... It expanded to two stores in Pueblo, and workers in Colorado Springs could join the strike at anytime. The union had called its action ...
Pueblo workers from the city's two local King Soopers at 102 W. 29th St. and 3050 W. Northern Ave. joined the strike effort on Friday. Prior to the strike, UFCW Local 7 officials claimed in a news ...