A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Under the proposed “comprehensive strategic partnership” between Moscow and Tehran, we are likely to see the Iran-Russia ...
The Telegram account General SVR is popular with British tabloids but has a less-than-perfect track record for truth.
Trump may believe that Syria is “not our fight,” but the competition with China is very much ours and will undoubtedly be a ...
The former Syrian dictator called for medical help, whereafter his health reportedly began to deteriorate further.
In the weeks since Bashar al-Assad was ousted as Syrian leader, Russia has launched multiple flights to an airbase in the ...
The impact of locking out Moscow from its bases in Syria would be felt in geopolitical arenas beyond the Middle East — ...
Russia now has no submarines in the Mediterranean Sea in yet another blow to Moscow's military muscle following the loss of ...
Assad, who ruled Syria for over two decades, was the victim of an attempted poisoning in Moscow. Social media account General SVR, reportedly run by an ex-top Russian spy, claimed that Assad had ...
After Assad's regime was toppled in Syria, Iran and Russia seem to have suffered the biggest setback. Moscow and Tehran see ...