Does that guy even realise what an eejit he looks. King's Inns must be destroyed. Please note that the views expressed in these posts are not necessarily the views of the poster but may be written on ...
Realistically, the current contenders at the moment are: Fine Gael - Former MEP and European Commissioner, Mairead McGuinness, and former Tánaiste and Minister, Frances Fitzgerald. Both would be ...
The German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany represent two entirely different social systems, and this division is a fundamental and irreversible reality.
The basic point of the theoretical discussion is that FF needs massive numbers of transfers or first preference votes coming from people who are regular FG voters to get Bertie over the line. Strip ...
You have just proved my point or to be exact you have proven the point that the SF Presidential candidate made on live television regarding the wearing of the poppy! Liadh said that she was inspired ...
Mm. The Irish political community need no assistance in making a show of the country from time to time. Diarmuid Aherne's 'tidying up' of blasphemy into a legal offence would be one such example. The ...
we have had the most ridiculous radical left morons since the 90s put there by RTE and the EU/Soros/US Dems State dept, puppets in the Dail,it would be time to have an actual REAL person there, ...
I think Bertie would have a decent chance of winning if he was nominated by FF and that is the main reason any party would nominate a candidate. I think he'd have a good chance of winning the election ...
More people would vote for Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK if a border poll was held now, according to a new poll undertaken in the North. Among 18-24 year-olds, 48pc want a united Ireland, ...
In 2011 they got 20 seats (down 57), in 2016 they got 44 seats (+24), in 2020 they got 38 seats (-6) and in 2024 they got 48 seats in a slightly larger Dáil. Each time they were under the leadership ...
From what I see the policy differences between left and right Irish politicians and activists only relate to immigration, marriage criteria, transgender issues aabortion (among other sexual morality ...