Something strange is afoot, and only the keenest pirate minds will be able to get to the bottom of this cakey conundrum… Local bakers have been hard at work making some celebratory Anniversary cakes, ...
During this month’s Event, all pirates are invited to tackle a series of Community Goals inspired by memorable moments in Sea of Thieves’ past. By working together to hit cumulative targets, you can ...
While out on your social travels across the Sea of Thieves, you may have encountered the Faces of Open Crew. If not, then perhaps the surfing pineapple #SoTShot winner rings a bell? Both are the ...
Connectez-vous, puis sur cette page, liez votre gamertag au compte Twitch que vous utiliserez pour récupérer les Twitch Drops. Pour participer, inscrivez-vous tout d'abord aux Twitch Drops. Vous ...
This hotfix addresses a number of issues identified following the launch of Season 15, while cracking down on players using methods to accelerate their progress through The Hunter’s Call much more ...
跟随 Sea of Thieves 前往新的领域,探索由图书、桌游、收藏品等周边构成的全新世界,且全部具有官方授权!无论您是想犒劳自己,还是想为您在现实生活中的某个捣蛋鬼朋友购买礼物,这些官方 ...
March marks another year of adventure on the Sea of Thieves, and you’re invited to celebrate this latest milestone with a bounty of Events, rewards and festivities. From the Seventh Anniversary ...