If you put 50 randomly selected American academic economists in a room and ask them what they thought of raising tariffs as a ...
Given this zeitgeist, a book on the moral philosophy of Adam Smith is timely indeed. While Smith may be the founder of modern economics, he was first and foremost a professor of moral philosophy. Yet ...
The book has enlivened the study of economics for beginning students for more than 40 years. Adam Smith published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776 ...
The 18th-century Scottish philosopher Adam Smith is credited with writing ... and contributed much to the development of Smith's ethical and economic theories. Smith was appointed professor ...
On Merryn Talks Money, we discuss the Republican’s attitude toward tariffs, taxes and regulation, and whether it fits with ...
VII. Taxes. Eliminate income, corporate, capital gains, dividend and estate taxes. Given the reduced size of government, the ...
The Economics program at Lang is committed to providing you with a firm grasp of the technical tools of contemporary economic analysis and a well-rounded understanding of the contributions of Adam ...