On Thursday morning, along a portion of Seventh Avenue SE, the long arm of a Sennebogen reached up to top of an ash tree, gripped it and with the saw attached at the end shored it off and brought it ...
A National Trust team has planted 1,300 trees to restore a landscape devastated by a fungal disease. Parts of Ickworth Estate near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk have been affected by ash dieback disease, ...
Trees can tell us a lot from the stories etched into their bark. One Charlotte artist has captured some of those stories ...
FEED THE LAWN: Apply a fertilizer to your lawn over the next three weeks. Use a lawn fertilizer and follow label directions ...
Q : The camellia pictured (see reader's photo) was planted approximately 18 years ago, along with another about 10 ...
Q : The camellia pictured (see reader's photo) was planted approximately 18 years ago, along with another about 10 feet away. Janet B. Carson, a freelance writer, retired in 2018 from her 38 ...
The beetle’s larvae bore into the tree’s inner bark, disrupting the flow of nutrients and ultimately leading to the tree’s death. Its spread poses a significant threat to North Dakota’s ash trees.
Researchers studying ash trees in the western U.S. have discovered a set of genetic variations that could protect the species from a devastating threat sweeping across the continent, according to a ...
LOGAN, Utah — More than 100 years of Logan history will soon be cut down despite community members fighting for months to save a line of ash trees. "It has felt really discouraging," explained ...
Most tree and shrub bark is brown, often smooth and sometimes gnarled – but a few plants have colourful bark that, in many cases, flakes away to reveal patches of different underlying colours.