Why do some plants thrive in specific regions but not in others? A study led by researchers at the University of Göttingen ...
Birds are beneficial to the environment and even human health but they need the right accommodations from food and water to ...
Gardeners wondering what to do in the garden this season should consider putting fruit outside for an important reason.
Learn how to attract birds to your feeder with this comprehensive guide. Discover effective techniques, tips, and strategies ...
Participants used a Bird Treasure Hunt Slideshow to help identify species and recorded their sightings using a Google Form ...
KK: For birds, keeping their plumage clean isn’t about good looks or vanity—it’s essential to their health. Feathers are ...
Not a bird expert? Not a problem. To guide a group you need enthusiasm and a welcoming attitude, not perfect ID skills.
Why do some plants thrive in specific regions but not in others? A study explores the factors shaping plant distributions and how these patterns have changed over millions of years. Analyzing nearly ...
Dear Heloise: Glen Allen, in Virginia, said he fed birds and squirrels bread. This is not recommended at all as it contains ...
Researchers from various institutions conducted a study on bird habitats in the Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve ...
On the occasion of World Sparrow Day, observed annually on March 20, Uttar Pradesh Congress President Ajay Rai highlighted ...
"Modern buildings lack the spaces sparrows need for nesting, reducing places to raise their young. Additionally, sparrow ...