She credits therapy as a part of how she came to understand how she found herself in the MAGA world and to see it as a cult. I had already decided to leave the Unification Church before going to ...
Families, side by side, in communion with God and each other. But the church, she says, was actually a cult. Walker spent her formative years, since age 8, in the group. She says it was a place ...
His parents were members of a notorious and secretive Pentecostal cult-like church that preached doomsday prophecies and controlled every aspect of its followers’ lives. His father was its ...
People who have left World Revival Church say the institution tolerated assault, encouraged abuse of minors and stole every free moment of its members’ time. One says a pastor hit on her and ...
READ ALSO: Journalist Kimani Mbugua under fire for branding church a cult “I will formally write to the church to officially remove my name from their register, I renounce the SDA faith and I no ...