It was the third year in a row that friends and strangers from all walks of life joined together in prayer to honor St.
The following sites are designated pilgrimage sites for the Jubilee Year 2025: • Ss. Mary and Patrick Church (part of ...Read ...
St Patrick was many things – a Christian missionary, an “Apostle of Ireland” – but one thing he definitely was not was a ...
Over a hundred people gathered at St. Mary’s Church in Caledonia on the night of Sunday, March 9, to hear speaker Bart Schuchts kick off a three-night mission aimed at ...
When your father, your grandfather, your great-grandfather and other men in your family have served as pastors, it’s assumed you will follow in their faith footsteps.
(Photo courtesy of CENCO) Police surrounded Catholic and Protestant churches in Kinshasa February 16 following threats made by ruling party militants on social media. The groups were opposed to an ...
The best account we have is the Life of St. Patrick by a scholar named Muirchú. This hagiography–or biography of a saint–was ...
The Reach Church hosted a health fair on Saturday in an effort to connect the community with a multitude of different ...
Tens of thousands of tourists flock to Ireland each year for the St. Patrick’s Day Festival. But in the midst of the concerts ...
Despite declining Church attendance, millions of Irish people were drawn by the tours of St Thérèse’s bodily relics to ...
Masses for the Pastoral area on St. Patrick’s Day are as follows: Castledockrell at 9.30a.m., St. Aidan’s at 10a.m., ...