You do not have to be present to win. The club will also be hosting a farm toy display contest from age 5 to adults during the Farm Toy Show. Contestants are asked to bring a display depicting farm or ...
Featuring a range of new and old machinery, the display represents the importance of farming through the generations, and all that is at stake if the family farm tax goes ahead. Members can be seen ...
Hamilton County Coroner Jeff Jellison takes on a decades-old case: identifying victims whose remains were found at Fox Hollow Farm ABC Studios Julie Baumeister granted the police permission to ...
The current zoning ordinance limits a farm stand’s sales and display area to 500 square feet ... The township zoning hearing board conducted hearings on the case in October and December with no ...
The Supreme Court of the State of California yesterday issued a decision in the Farm Raised Salmon Cases (under the umbrella listing S147171), overturning a California Court of Appeal ruling.
This is what [Tom] said in his email to us. We love that when the toy annoyed [Tom], he improved it. He started by inserting his own electronics. Using an ATTiny2313 for the brains, he proceeded ...