Opelousas Museum and Interpretive Center members Aglaia Venters, Ph.D., left, and Victor Smith, right, light the candles of the menorah.
JUNO BEACH — Hundreds of people danced, sang and lit sparklers as they watched candles flicker on a sand ... took five hours to build the 5-foot menorah with three tons of sand, Ezagui said.
When a rag tag group of Jews overcame oppression by an occupying force, they rededicated their temple by lighting the menorah. They found enough oil to light one candle. Then a miracle happened.
Rainy days gave way to blue skies over the Town Square in downtown Vacaville on Friday as a crowd gathered to watch the ...
Dozens of greater Oneonta residents gathered for a community menorah lighting in Muller Plaza on Tuesday, Dec. 31, ...