Metro Omaha Builders Association is partnering with Build Omaha to put on the Spring Parade of Homes March 29-30 and April 5-6. The free event is an Omaha tradition.
The old Vancouver building at 138 East 7th Avenue, home to the Sarah McLachlan School of Music, will see a major vertical ...
It was the classic blank canvas, a family home built in 2003 in the Sherman Oaks district of Los Angeles. It was spacious but ...
In Germantown, New York, architect Koray Duman of Büro Koray Duman designed artist Miranda Fengyuan Zhang’s 2,500-square-foot ...
He collaborated with the American Society of Engineers to create a project called "Future World Vision," a virtual immersive ...
The famously raucous Hong Kong Sevens take place from Friday in a big test for the shiny new stadium at the heart of a major ...
The Atacama Desert is a major source of lithium for EV batteries. As global demand ramps up, the local Lickanantay people are ...
The two-part $90.4 million project centers around the renovation and reimagination of the 106-year-old Bissinger Company ...
With its abundance of historic charm—leafy, walkable streets and a tight-knit feeling —Chevy Chase Village, a Maryland ...
Each spring since 1982, for one rowdy weekend, Hong Kong Stadium – nestled among skyscrapers and lush jungle, and just a lofted drop-kick from the city’s fabled nightlife – has transformed into the ...
Since it was closed in the 1990s, the buildings around the site have fallen into a state of disrepair. Developers Cityregen ...
Modern farmhouses often incorporate a standing seam metal roof, board-and-batten or clapboard siding, and open floor plans ...