Økonomisk ligestilling, march mod partnervold og debatter mellem politikere. Få et overblik over, hvordan kvindernes ...
marts. - Vi ser gerne, at medarbejderne vender tilbage. Det er en overenskomststridig arbejdsnedlæggelse, og det kan ikke accepteres, siger Bjørk Lange Olsen til Sermitsiaq. KNR er en selvstændig ...
Abel was an assistant coach for the U.S. women's national team under former coach Jill Ellis from 2015-19. He coached at Oregon from 2019 until last year. He resigned in October after the Ducks ...
Bay FC head of domestic scouting Graeme Abel has resigned after just a week on the job amid allegations of verbal abuse while he was coach at the University of Oregon. Abel was an assistant coach ...
Stig Fogh Andersen optræder som koncertsanger, arbejder som sceneinstruktør (debut i 2006 med »Karin og Abel« på Den Kongelige Opera) og har indspiller cd og dvd. Har modtaget talrige ...
The best large format printers allow us to take advantage of the resolution of today's best professional digital cameras to print images up to billboard size, something that was once only possible for ...
Scroll below for the deets. With its release day collection, the sequel has almost surpassed the OG film’s entire run in the United States. The film is all over the media for its record-breaking ...
Det spørgsmål ville have været utænkeligt for få år siden, men efter en intens sikkerhedskonference i München i weekenden er netop det et brændende spørgsmål for Europas – og hermed også Danmarks – ...
Exciting update for all The Big Bang Theory fans! A new spin-off series is in development, and this time, it won't be about Sheldon, Leonard, or the rest of the Pasadena gang, but rather Stuart Bloom ...
Many lost power because of rolling blackouts. OG&E officials said they’ve boosted their technology since then to protect the grid. Snow is coming, and so are the coldest temperatures the state has ...
This year’s Overwatch 2 spotlight revealed the concept art of new heroes currently in development, and fans of the game have already taken it upon themselves to make one look more unique. During ...
Fortnite OG is about to unvault one of the rarest weapons ever. The problem is it’s from the wrong season. Nostalgia isn’t supposed to be this confusing. Fortnite OG thrives on reliving the past.