Please respond
Elected officials should listen and respond to their constituents. Because of the chaos in Washington, I have been regularly ...
Federal employees must report their weekly accomplishments by midnight amid a Trump administration downsizing effort.
"Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager," the message sent from the OPM's HR email address reads. "Please do not send any ...
“Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager,” read the email, sent from the HR arm of the Office of Personnel Management with the ...
Issued late Saturday afternoon, it demands employees "Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager." "Please do not send any classified ...
One email, shared with The Hill, reads “Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets describing what you accomplished last week and cc your manager.” The message also said employees ...
“Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager,” the instructions read, sparking a wave of outrage across the workforce. Elon ...
directing the recipient to reply with 5 accomplishments from the prior week. Please be advised that this email did not originate from the judiciary or the administrative office and we suggest that ...