Pruning is an essential part of fruit tree maintenance, but doing it wrong can spell trouble for your trees. Here are the key ...
If left to their own devices, most apple trees grow into large, globe-shaped trees, with the best fruit forming on the tree’s outer perimeter, high above convenient apple-picking height.
In a move aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety, the City of Santa Barbara has announced plans to cut down 13 ficus trees ...
One of the subjects I get asked about the most is how and when to prune trees and shrubs. Unfortunately the answer can be somewhat complicated. If you prune at […] ...
Prepare a bonsai pot with soil mix and fertiliser. Buy copper wire for shaping bonsai tree, use scissors for pruning. Gently ...
Bonsai art is an interesting practice where you grow miniature trees in containers, bringing the beauty of nature in a small ...
Dwarf trees are ideal for adding structure and interest to small spaces. While gardening in compact yards might at first seem ...
Keep the room temperatures no cooler than about 15 C or the plant will go dormant. Ficus can be susceptible to spider mite — ...
It's easy to get wrapped up in making sure your houseplants have the proper lighting conditions, good soil quality, and ...
University of Illinois Extension local foods and small farms educator Grant McCarty demonstrates proper fruit tree pruning. ROCKFORD, Ill. — Each winter, backyard and commercial fruit tree ...
When is a good time to prune my fruit trees? Fall is absolutely the worst time for pruning fruit trees. The best time to prune fruit trees is when the trees are dormant, although under certain ...
Now is the best time of year to prune all types of fruit trees, grapes and brambles while they are still in their dormant stage. As the weather warms up and the sap starts to run, you shouldn’t be ...