Sarah Sicht is currently the principal at Benton STEM Elementary School and will oversee Eagle Bluffs' opening in 2026.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WNDU) - Here’s a good news headline: The Riley High School Media Center in South Bend just won several honors at the state level. And they just picked up a Martin’s Super Markets One ...
Sarah Sicht will be the principal of the new Eagle Bluffs Elementary School in Columbia during the 2026 academic school year.
Columbia Public Schools has announced the first principal of Eagle Bluffs Elementary School. Sarah Sicht will be the school’s ...
State lawmakers want to remove the income cap on Indiana’s school voucher program. Voucher parent support it, opponents say ...
The school is making the transition due to financial pressures faced by the expanding district and "inadequate state funding ...
State lawmakers want to remove the income cap on Indiana’s school voucher program. Parents who choose vouchers say that would ...
A Lincoln elementary school teacher is accused of felony child abuse after a police investigation. Lincoln police said a ...
Students from the John D Rockefeller IV Career Center have been working to back to the local school community. JDR4CC ...
EXETER — Main Street School Assistant Principal Beth Cadorette has been named the next principal of the elementary school, ...
Indiana Career Scholarship Accounts program is growing in popularity. But some basic information, like how much businesses ...