A commercial landmark on Tucson’s eastside is making a comeback—but in a different form. The Sears store at Park Place, ...
Long gone are the days of dropping off your car for repairs at the May Co. auto center and strolling through the mall, maybe ...
NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio - Ohio’s last Sears store that has sat vacant since closing in 2020 has been readied for use by a car ...
The agreement calls for the parties to work together in good faith on the development and for the plaintiffs to pay past due ...
Sears closed at Park Place in 2019 and the remaining space will house Tucson's second Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers, retail ...
"We will be seeing a new project going into the former Sears," said Chenin ... of what has been a vacant big box store for a number of years," said Dow. "The mall is a key component of the ...
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Construction of a new market and retail space is being planned for the former Sears building located at the Santa Maria Town Center ...