A 0.5 mL dose of an intranasal Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine (Vanguard B; Zoetis) is now available on the veterinary ...
A clínica atendeu 954 pacientes de 2018 a 2019. A polícia suspeita que, nesse período, o produto usado para fazer ...
In a statement, the ML party-list said that Rodrigo’s arrest is a reminder that while justice may take time, it will always find its way. Duterte was detained earlier by the Philippine National ...
A coluna de análise foi a de fase reversa C-18 modelo Shim-pack VP-ODS com 4,6 mm x 25 ... contaminadas), 0,7 mL para cada papel-filtro de 7 cm de diâmetro (superfície contaminada) e 1 µL aplicado com ...
Contratação entre a união, por intermédio do Departamento de Logística em Saúde da Secretaria-Executiva do Ministério da Saúde e a(s) empresa(s) Prati, Donaduzzi & CIA LTDA, Produtos Roche Químicos e ...
The Witcher season 4 is on its way and it'll mark a huge new chapter in the Netflix show's saga. This time, we have a whole new Geralt of Rivia joining the fray as Liam Hemsworth becomes the White ...
The mean values for volume and concentration were 35.9μL and 552.8x10 6 sptz/mL, with a mean of 71% motility ... com auxílio de uma seringa de 1mL acoplada ao final do cateter. Por fim, as amostras ...
Zeiss is returning to making lenses for stills cameras, introducing the Otus ML line with new 50mm and 85mm F1.4 lenses for E, RF, and Z mounts. The lenses are manual focus only, but are focused on ...